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Disaster Recovery and 5 Easy Things You Should Do To Protect Your Business Now

Disaster recovery? Insurance? Policies?

Let’s face it: no one likes to think about bad things happening to them, much less plan for them. But since September is National Disaster Preparedness Month, we want to give you a quick “brush-up” on some simple things you can (and should!) be doing to protect your business.

  1. disaster-recovery-san-antonioReview Your Business Insurance Carefully. Most businesses carry some type of general liability insurance that would pay them if their building and the things in it were damaged. However, many businesses do not have enough coverage to replace all the computer equipment and devices, desks, art, supplies and other things they’ve accumulated over the years that are housed in their office. Make sure you review your policy every year and keep in mind new additions and assets you’ve accumulated during that year.
  2. Consider Cloud Computing. One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing is that your data and assets are stored off-site in a highly secure, high-availability data center, with failover and redundancy built in. That means that if your building were destroyed and you had to evacuate, or if your server melted down due to an unexpected hardware failure, everything you’ve worked so hard to create over the years is safe and not a sitting duck in your unsecured closet or server room.
  3. Secure Your Data. Making sure that your data is protected from theft is a never-ending battle you don’t want to lose. Companies that get hacked and expose sensitive client and employee data can face severe penalties, lawsuits and massive loss of credibility in the marketplace. Make sure you never have to send an e-mail to your customers explaining the bad news that a hacker accessed their info through you. Further, if you keep any sensitive information (even passwords to portals containing sensitive information) on portable laptops, phones and other devices, make sure you have a way of controlling and safeguarding that information.
  4. Write A Simple Disaster Recovery Plan. The key word here is “simple.” If your plan gets too complicated or difficult, you won’t do it. But at a minimum, think of the disaster that is most likely to happen and that would have a severe and negative impact on your company’s survival.
  5. Review Your Employee Internet Policy. With so many people “addicted” to Facebook and Twitter, it’s important that your employees know where the line is in what they can and can’t post online. We also recommend content-filtering software to block content and web sites you don’t want employees visiting during work hours.


Call us at 210-273-4524 during the month of September and we’ll give you a Disaster Recovery Business Assessment for FREE (a $497 value)!

Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete computer IT support, disaster recovery, network services and data backup plans  to businesses throughout San Antonio, Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site: IT Support San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.


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HaaS – Hardware As A Service Is Becoming A Common Option For Businesses

Hardware As A Service

Could Buying A Computer Actually INCREASE Your Cash Flow?

If you dread writing checks for a network upgrade because it hits your cash flow in a big way, then you’ll want to look into HaaS or “hardware as a service.” HaaS is becoming a more common option for bus
inesses because it allows you to pay for ALL your IT services – hardware, installation, security, backups, applications, Internet, etc. – as a flat-fee service, thereby eliminating the heavy cash-flow hit of upgrading or expanding a computer network and giving you the ability to write off 100% of your IT expenses without having to depreciate those assets over time.

Additionally, your IT provider takes total responsibility for the maintenance of your network. Like businesses that lease their equipment, HaaS (hardware-as-a-service) customers pay monthly for their infrastructure. This allows them to keep more cash in their pocket and gives them the tax advantage of converting a typical capital expense into an operational expense. But unlike leasing, HaaS can also do the following:hardware-as-a-service

1) No More Expensive Surprise Upgrades. With HaaS, your computers are automatically replaced with new ones every 3-4 years, ensuring compatibility with almost any software refresh. No end-of-lease buyouts of
outdated equipment or ever having to re-lease equipment again.

2) Warranties Are A Thing Of The Past. With a HaaS program, you get your equipment AND the service included in the monthly cost. Anything that goes wrong with the computer (like the inevitable computer crash just days after your warranty expires) is our problem to resolve. Plus, since HaaS computers are replaced on a regular schedule, you don’t have to settle for refurbished parts or old computers for long.

3) One Easy Invoice. Purchasing via a HaaS program is like having a condo. You get control of what goes in it, but don’t have to worry about maintenance, building-code issues or updating the facade. Everything in one low monthly fee!

Looking to upgrade equipment while saving cash? Call us today at 210-273-4524 to find out if HaaS is right for you.

Looking for a way to get new computers without the big up-front outlay of cash? Call us today to learn more about HaaS (hardware-as-a-service) and find out if it’s a right fit for your business.

Enjoy these benefits with HaaS:

– Avoid expensive computer and server hardware upgrades.
– Free software licensing and upgrades.
– Your warranty is covered by us.
– Pay-as-you-go service.
– Your full monthly expense is a tax write-off.

Call 210-273-4524 or go online: to start saving.


Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete cloud services, hass, hardware as a service, and IT support, network services and data backup plans to get rid of computer problems to businesses throughout San Antonio, Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site to resolve identity theft problems: Cloud services, IT Support and computer service in Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

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It’s Time To Declare Freedom From Online Identity Theft

Online Identity Theft

If you want to prevent your personal or business identity from being stolen by a cybercriminal, this report is a MUST-read! This informational report outlines in plain, non-technical English common mistakes that many small business owners make with their computer and network security that puts their personal information and identity at risk of being stolen. It also further explains what identity theft is, and how you can prevent it from happening to you and your business.

You’ll Discover:

– The top 3 ploys used by online identity thieves to easily gain access to your business and personal information, and how to avoid them.identity-theft

– 10 sneaky e-mails used to steal your identity that you should IMMEDIATELY delete if they land in your in-box.

– One easy, surefire way to keep your network and computers safe and secure from online thieves.

– What you need to know about the NEW scams being used to steal personal information via social media sites like Facebook.

– Best practices to prevent you or your employees from inadvertently giving away passwords and other “keys to the castle” to Internet criminals.


Download your free copy today!

During the month of July, we are offering a free download of our informational report, “What Every Business Owner MUST Know To Protect Against Online Identity Theft.”

Get yours FREE today

Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete cloud services, identity theft protection, computer services and IT support, network services and data backup plans to get rid of computer problems to businesses throughout San Antonio, Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site to resolve identity theft problems: Cloud services, IT Support and computer service in Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

[schema type=”book” url=”” name=”What Every Business Owner Must Know To Protect Against Online Identity Theft” description=”This informational report outlines in plain, non-technical English common mistakes that many small business owners make with their computer and network security that puts their personal information and identity at risk of being stolen. It also further explains what identity theft is, and how you can prevent it from happening to you and your business.” author=”Juventino Guerra” publisher=”ONIT Technology Solutions” pubdate=”2014-07-01″ edition=”1.5″ ebook=”yes” ]


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Mobile Device Management San Antonio

Mobile Device Management San Antonio

Fellow Business Owner,

Managing and securing iPads, iPhones, Androids, and other mobile devices accessing your corporate data can be challenging. Most organizations today don’t have the real-time visibility into and control over their mobile environment to reduce the risk and cost of manage these devices.

That’s why ONIT Technology Solutions is pleased to announce that we have teamed up with a group of  world-clas  partners to offer all of the essential functionality for powerful, end-to-end MDM (Mobile Device Management) in a single solution. With our MDM solution you can:

– Embrace all devices across all mobile platforms. From iPhones, iPads and Android to Windows Phone and BlackBerry devices. Our MDM simplifies all aspects of deploying, supporting, and protecting the mobile enterprise.

– Manage all your mobile users, devices, apps and content from a single console. Gain instant visibility into who is connecting to your corporate data and with which devices — for secure and centralized control.

– Analyze activity and compliance in just a few clicks. Know exactly what’s happening with each user, device and application with a true 360-degree view of mobility.

– Deploy quickly and scale effortlessly. As a true on-demand cloud service, our offers immediate control without the added costs and complexities of deploying hardware and software, dealing with intricate configurations and dedicating additional resources to support the solution on an ongoing basis.

Why not try it today, for free? See the ONIT Technology Solutions MDM difference working with your devices, your policies and your employees. To learn more, contact us directly at (210) 273-4524 or [email protected].

 Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete mobile device management San Antonio, cloud services, computer IT support, network services and data backup plans to get rid of computer problems to businesses throughout south Texas and Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels.

Mobile device management San Antonio and local experts who can help and visit your business on-site to resolve computer problems: Cloud services, IT Support San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

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The 3 Biggest Problems San Antonio CEOs Have With Most IT Firms

Computer Problems Most San Antonio CEO’s Face When Dealing With A Technology Company

If you are a highly successful, results-oriented CEO who wants to focus your time, energy and money on growing your company, but find yourself constantly distracted and slowed down by chronic computer problems and incompetent IT support, then you probably don’t need us to tell you how frustrating that is.

Our research shows that most successful San Antoniocomputer-problerms-san-antonio CEOs have 3 big problems when dealing with most IT support companies. See if you agree…

Problem #1: You Have Constant Technical Problems.

Maybe you’ve experienced this yourself: you hire a so-called IT expert to support your computer network, but every time they “solve” a computer problem, two more crop up. Or the problem they were supposed to have solved keeps coming back again and again. Then, to add insult to injury, they don’t check their work, they keep charging you to come back and repair the same issues or they waste your time trying to explain why the problem is happening instead of just taking care of it.

Problem #2: They Don’t Understand How Critically Important Your Time Is.

If you’re like most busy executives we work with, you’re the most important player on the team, with multiple time-sensitive projects and critical deadlines that can NOT be missed, yet most computer guys don’t seem to understand this. When you call their office, you get voice mail. When they finally get around to calling you back, they waste your time with a million dumb questions and walking you through a number of mind-numbing tasks (like rebooting), wasting even MORE of your time while they try to get a clue. If they can’t fix your computer problems that way, then you have to wait around for them to show up, take it back to their office, fix it and bring it back – a process that could take days. Meanwhile, your blood pressure is going through the roof because you need to get back to work.

You shouldn’t have to tolerate this type of poor service. Our stance is that you shouldn’t be having those kinds of issues in the first place. Second, when you DO have a problem, it should be addressed IMMEDIATELY – not hours or days later.

Problem #3: Poor Communication And Service.

From arrogant technicians who talk over your head to zero communication on the status of your requests and projects, another BIG problem many business owners have with their IT person is poor communication skills. On top of that, NONE of them seem to understand basic business concepts and want to have a conversation about the technical details rather than just getting it done.

Imagine being able to just tell your consultant what you’re trying to achieve in your business and they make it happen – and provide REAL value by advising you on how to make those outcomes happen faster, cheaper and with less effort.

 Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete cloud services, computer IT support, network services and data backup plans to get rid of computer problems to businesses throughout San Antonio, Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site to resolve computer problems: Cloud services, IT Support San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

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Exactly How Cloud Services Can Help Your Small Business In San Antonio

Cloud Services Can Help Your Small Business In San Antonio

Cloud services computing is a concept that could save your business quite a bit of money on software, hardware, upgrades and services. Instead of purchasing hardware and software for your office, with cloud computing you put your programs on a highly secure “super-server” online. All you need is an Internet connection to your office and you’re in business.

Here are 9 reasons why “cloud services computing” has caught on FAST with small to medium businesses, and why you might consider it too: cloud-services-san-antonio

1. Create An INSTANT Virtual Office. Access and work from any secure PC, laptop or device. If you have employees who travel, are in remote locations or ever need to work from home, this is an ideal solution.

2. Save Hard Dollars On Software, Hardware And Support. Never purchase, install or maintain servers or other network equipment again.

3. Less Downtime and Fewer Problems. Software in the cloud runs on extremely fast and reliable systems that include some form of redundancy. Compare that to your own server going down; until you get it fixed, you’re unable to work.

4. Automatic Disaster Recovery. If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it 100 times: make sure you back up your data. But when your data is hosted in the cloud, the backup is done automatically for you and accessible from anywhere you work.

5. Less Expensive To Scale Up Or Down. With cloud computing, you pay only for what you need and increase or decrease storage or resources when necessary.

6. Hassle-Free Software. All of your software is loaded on a server in a datacenter and then shared over the Internet. There are no software disks to manage, organize or file.

7. Environmentally Friendly. Cloud computing uses significantly less power in your office. You also won’t have to upgrade your hardware as often, which means fewer PCs, laptops and other components piling up in landfills.

8. No More Expensive Software Upgrades. Networks in the cloud benefit from automatic software upgrades; best of all, they are done FOR you.

9. Reduced Maintenance. When your software is in the cloud, patches are automatically applied, meaning fewer reboots and downtime for maintenance. It’s all taken care of for you.

Free Cloud Readiness Assessment And Cost Analysis

At no cost or obligation, our highly trained team of IT pros will come to your office and conduct a comprehensive Cloud Readiness Assessment to help determine if your business could benefit from moving to the cloud.

Get yours FREE today at through May 31st!


Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete cloud services, computer IT support, network services and data backup plans  to businesses throughout San Antonio, Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site: Cloud services, IT Support San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.


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Can You Really Afford Not To Have a Backup Plan?

Have a Backup Plan?

According to Symantec SMB, 50% of SMBs admit to having no backup and disaster recovery plan in place. 41% of those surveyed confessed that they had never even given much thought to implementing a disaster recovery or business continuity plan. If you are one of them, then you really need to think about whether you can afford the status quo. Answering these questions will help you decide.

1. How often is employee productivity and customer accessibility or service stalled each day from a downed network or system?

2. How much downtime can your business truly afford and what kind of backup or recovery solutions are in effect when systems are unavailable?

3. What level of IT support can be accessed? Can it be accessed quickly enough to minimize damage? Are you confident that your business can either be back online or be able to access lost data with minimal disruption, no matter what?

4. Is your most critical data frequently backed up? Is the data on the personal laptops, iPads or Blackberrys of employees backed up? Are all backups stored in a location off-site and quickly accessible in the event of theft, fire or flooding? Are you using any custom installed software and is the supplier still in business should this software need to be re-installed or updated? Are account details, licensing agreements, and security settings somewhere on record, and is it duplicated off-site?

5. Are your systems truly protected from theft, hackers, and viruses? Are passwords to sensitive data changed whenever employees leave the company or business unit?

6. When was the last time you tested backup processes to ensure they are working properly? How quick were your back ups? Answering these questions will help you understand if you are needlessly bleeding money every day by subjecting your business to the high hourly rates, service charges, trip fees and wait times of on-call IT support. If you are an SMB, you don’t have to fear technology failure. A trusted MSP can help you resolve these challenges in a more effective and efficient manner.

Not sure what all that means? We do. Call 210-273-4524 or contact us today for a Free 43-point IT Systems Security and Performance Assessment.

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Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete computer IT support, network services and data backup plans  to businesses throughout San Antonio, Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Pleasanton, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Converse, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, Live Oak, Timberwood Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site: IT Support San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Data Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

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Cyber security – Is This the Biggest Threat to Your Money?

What exactly is cyber security?

Evidently all things depends on computer systems and the internet today — communication (email, mobile phones), entertainment (electronic digital cable tv, mp3s), transportation (vehicle engine systems, plane navigation ), shopping (online shops, bank cards), medicine (equipment, health care records), and the list goes on. Just how much of your everyday life relies upon computers? What amount of of your personal info is located both on your own personal computer or on some-one else’s system?

Cyber security entails safeguarding that data by avoiding, detecting and responding to attacks.

The dangers?

There are numerous risks, some more severe than others. Among these kind of threats are viruses wiping out your entire system, an individual breaking into your computer and modifying data files, somebody utilizing your PC to harm others, or someone stealing your bank card info and making illegal purchases. Sadly, there’s no 100% guarantee that, in spite of the greatest measures, such things won’t occur to you, however there are actions you can take to reduce the probabilities.

9 Steps To Take Now To Be Certain Your Finances Are Protected Online

Free 43-Point Business Online Security Audit Gives You Peace Of Mind

At no cost or obligation, our highly trained team of IT pros will come to your office and conduct a comprehensive Cyber-Online Security Audit to uncover loopholes in your company’s online security.

Get yours FREE today!  Click here


Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete computer support in San Antonio as well as network services and IT consulting to businesses in Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site: IT Support and Computer Support in San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Backup and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

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Online Security – Are Your Finances Protected Online?

Online Security and 9 Steps To Take Now To Be Certain Your Finances Are Protected Online

Seems like we’ve been inundated over the past 6 months with rampant cybertheft and breaches to online security. Target, Nieman Marcus, Yahoo and even mysterious $9.84 credit-card charges. Unfortunately, in the world we live in, this is most likely the norm going forward and not just a blip on the radar.

So, how can you stay protected online with the maximum online security? While there is no way to absolutely, positively, 100% stay safe online, by taking these 9 steps, you will be as safe as possible.

1. Only Shop On Secure Websites. Before you type your credit card into a website, ensure it is secure. Look for “https://” in the address bar of your web browser when you are checking out.

2. Avoid Financial Transactions Over Public Wifi. You can’t guarantee that free or shared WiFi access have online security. Ok to connect for browsing the web, but avoid financial transactions on these

3. Use A Secure Network For Financial Transactions. Protect your computer with a firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware software.

4. Setup Banking Alerts For Unusual Or Large Transactions. Ask your bank to notify you of any suspicious or large transactions.

5. Use Credit Cards Instead Of Debit Cards. Most credit cards offer better fraud protection, plus if money is stolen from a debit card, then it has already left your bank account.

6. Pick Complex Passwords. Use phrase acronyms and keyboard combinations for strong online security. Never use repeat passwords or words in the dictionary for your financial accounts.

7. Never Directly Answer Or Respond To An Email From Your Bank. Criminals have become very adept at appearing that they are a financial institution when they are not. Never rely on links in emails to access your financial accounts.

8. Install Available Security Updates On Your Computer, SmartPhone and Tablets. Many cybercrimes target known security holes on your computing devices. Stay up to date to stay within online security parameters.

9. Check Your Bank Balances And Statements Regularly. Good ol’-fashioned visual checks on your balances and a scan of your transactions are the best practice to be sure that nothing has slipped through the cracks.

Free 43-Point Business Online Security Audit Gives You Peace Of Mind

At no cost or obligation, our highly trained team of IT pros will come to your office and conduct a comprehensive Cyber-Online Security Audit to uncover loopholes in your company’s online security.

Get yours FREE today through April 30th!  Click here


Areas Covered

We provide a wide range of complete computer support in San Antonio as well as network services and IT consulting to businesses in Schertz, Seguin, Boerne, Canyon Lake, Stone Oak, Universal City, Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Shavano Park, Cibolo, Olmos Park, New Braunfels and throughout Southern Texas.

Local experts who can help and visit your business on-site: IT Support and Computer Support in San Antonio, Stone Oak IT Consulting, Leon Valley Network Services, San Antonio Backup and Disaster Recovery, Stone Oak Information Technology Consulting and San Antonio Anti-Virus and Security.

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Data Backup, Business Continuity and Disaster Planning for Your Small Business in San Antonio

Data Backup and Business Continuity

Storm Season Is Upon Us… Are You Protected?

Spring begins on March 20th! It’s not too late to prepare for those pop-up storms that occur randomly at this time of year, often resulting in everything from ice damage to lightning fires. During this time of year the threat of fire, flood, severe storms, water damage from office sprinklers and even theft is very real. 

One of the most valuable assets for any company is its data. Hardware and software can easily be replaced, but a company’s data cannot!


As a reminder to all of our clients and friends, here are some simple things you should do to make sure your company is ready for any natural disaster.

1. Back Up Your Data Remotely! Everyone knows that data should be backed up on a daily basis, but many people still use in-house backup systems that will get damaged in a natural disaster or fire, and can easily be stolen. We recommend backing up all data to an off-site location, and we offer this as a service to our clients.

2. Use A Quality Surge Protector With Uninterruptible Power Supply Battery A high-quality surge protector combined with an uninterruptible power supply battery backup will go a long way in protecting sensitive electronic equipment from surges and other electronic irregularities that can destroy your computer’s circuitry.

3. Make Sure Your Servers Are Off The Floor Or In The Cloud If your office gets flooded, having your equipment off the floor will prevent it from being completely destroyed. Server racks can be purchased and installed very inexpensively. Or consider moving your critical server equipment to the cloud and be protected no matter the weather!

4. Have A Disaster Recovery And Business Continuity Plan Every business should have some type of plan in place for continued operation after a disaster. Would people know where to go? Who to call? How to log in and access data remotely? Hopefully you’ll never need it, but having a simple plan will make you sleep a lot easier at night knowing you have a way to continue to operate when disaster strikes.

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FREE Report:
The 10 Disaster Planning Essentials For Any Small Business

Don’t lose everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve in an instant! This report will reveal important planning strategies you should have in place now to protect yourself from common data-erasing disasters including natural hazards, human error, cyber criminals, hardware failure, software corruption and other IT failures. [easy_contact_forms fid=41] [/box]

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