Strabag SE builds a risk management solution to improve efficiency using Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform

Strabag SE, a global construction company, has partnered with Microsoft to drive digitalization and innovation in the construction industry. Recognizing the need for operational efficiencies through data, Strabag built a Data Science Hub in collaboration with Microsoft. This central entity enabled them to collect and leverage decentralized data for valuable insights.

One notable success is their AI-based risk management solution, which uses algorithms to identify at-risk construction projects. By predicting potential failures, Strabag saves time and reduces financial losses. The algorithm has achieved an impressive 80% accuracy in risk prediction with just three months of data.

Through Microsoft’s Intelligent Data Platform, Strabag established a centralized system to connect and analyze data from various sources. This paved the way for developing use cases to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs globally.

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Beiersdorf builds on decades of skin care research and accelerates innovation with Azure AI

Discover how Beiersdorf, a leading consumer goods company, tackled the challenge of efficient data management with Azure Cognitive Search. Their customer story showcases the power of AI-driven insights in transforming business operations. Learn how Beiersdorf harnessed advanced search capabilities to unlock valuable information, enhance decision-making, and boost productivity. Explore the company’s remarkable journey and gain valuable insights by reading the full customer story. Get inspired by the potential to accelerate innovation and take your business to new heights.

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